
i don't even know at this point 



Current Affiliation/Clan:

Former Affiliation/Clan, if any:



Sunspark | Never met

Duskfire | He's not scary! Just... intimidating?




Nobody- Outsider | Beastpaw never met his father, so he has no opinion on him. In truth, he has completely forgotten that he has one.

Mother (s):
Twilightstar | His biological mother, Beastpaw adores her and looks up to her like she's the best cat in WIndclan, which, in his mind, she is.

Ashfeather | His adopted mother, Ashfeather took care of him and his siblings from the moment they were born. To him, Ashfeather, or 'Ashmama' as he calls her, is more his real mother than Twilightstar. He feels like she can do anything and he has a more fulfilling relationship with her than Twilightstar.

Leechpaw | Despite the fact Leechpaw was born at the same time as Beastpaw, Leechpaw treats him like a little brother, and Beastpaw wholehearted accepts that. Leechpaw is a bit sour and is less people-friendly, but Beastpaw takes pride in giving him nudges in the right direction when it comes to interaction.


Lionpaw | A sister as scatterbrained as he is, Lionpaw is a bit of a daydreamer, and likes eating a bit too much. Beastpaw teams up with Leechpaw to take care of her, helping her out of the various scrapes she gets stuck in. 

Midnightpaw | His other sour sibling, he considers Midnightpaws defining trait to be that she is the only one of them who can actually remember names. He loves her but thinks she's a bit too much of a pessimist.

Rushingkit- Deceased | Killed at Birth by a group of vultures.


Best Friend(s):
Tawnypaw | First cat outside of his family to ever meet, Beastpaw looks up to her like an older sister and a role-model with a sense of excitement like his. 

Snowypaw | He's Lionpaw's friend, so, by extension, is Beastpaw's





Significant Other:

Favorite Quotes: 

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”
"The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection."


Slightly larger than average, Beastpaw is a solid dark brown tom with no distinguishable features. His fur is short and almost always covered in dust and dirt, and the fur on his head has a tendency to stick straight up. His blue eyes rival that of the sky on a clear day, instead of ice. At the moment, he has no markings or scars.



He is an upbeat excitable cat, whose single goal is to spread love and peace. He loves to joke around and play with everyone, he makes friends the easiest out of all his siblings. He's not the best with taking things seriously, very lazy to the point where he'll fake injuries and sickness to get out of doing much of anything. It difficult to get him out of his 'happy mood', insults and fighting roll off his back like water thanks to Midnight and Leech, though he gets really sensitive when insulted by his littermates. He'd let a cat walk all over him if it kept them happy. He's rather easy to talk to and a great listener. He has a hard time understanding things from others perspectives, choosing instead to believe that whatever he sees on his first look is what is really happening.  


Despite his laid-back ways, he has a dark side that rears its ugly head when push comes to shove. He'll never shy away from a fight if truly believes there is no other option, but the guilt of hurting and fighting someone, sibling, friend, mate, or parent, can weigh heavily on his heart. He can be incredibly jealous and tries hard to be distinguished from others

Born unexpectantly to the leader of Windclan, Twilightstar, Beastkit was raised by Ashfeather as Twilightstar was too busy with her duties to take care of him and his littermates. When he was born, his brother, Rushingkit, was killed by vultures and his mother and littermates were barely saved by the combined forces of Shadowclan and Windclan.

During his apprentice ceremony, winds picked up, forcing the clan into the tunnels below the moor. Down there, he learned that he isn't claustrophobic, but rather, scared of being alone. He met his first outsiders, and though they acted in a similar fashion to clan cats, he found them awfully strange. What was that stench?


Date of Creation:
May 20, 2022

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