
26 moons 


Ace Lesbian 

Current Affiliation/Clan:

Former Affiliation/Clan, if any:




Mistyshade | She was a satisfactory mentor, but the two didn't have a strong connection


Brightpath - Deceased | She trusted and admired Brightpath and their positive influence of Thunderclan


Flameheart | The first cat she learned to trust in a while, Flameheart is someone important to her and she sees her as an idol 



Mother (s):

Oatkit - Missing | Oatkit is a great little brother. She tries to do her best to keep him protected, but isn't quite certain how to react around him.




Best Friend(s):



Whitewolf - Missing | Despite never really talking with her, she looked up to her and used Whitewolf as her role model. Heartbroken at her death and doesn't know how to react to her revival.


Cinderstar - Deceased | Cinderstar was a cat that she felt she could depend on, both on a clan-wide level and more personally

Pinewatch - Missing | Appreciated her kindness, but her spunk was a bit over the top.

Yarrowshade- Missing | Wasn't sure what to make of her. She distrusts her seemingly cynical nature, but feels as though she's loyal nonetheless. That and Yarrowshade put up with Foxpaw long enough for her to ask questions, so she's satisfied.


Tigerpaw - Missing | Hates her overconfidence and elitist tendencies.

Goosefury- missing | After he killed Whitewolf, she attempted to attack him, but she was easily defeated. He might not remember her, but she will never forget him


Significant Other:

Favorite Quotes: 

“I do not need your approval darling, that’s for insecure people.”
"You can think whatever you want about me. I don't care. Just bear in mind, the moment you underestimate me. I WIN."


Foxpaw is a russet patch tabby, meaning the majority of her is white, with russet splotches and tabby markings scattered across her body. her base color is a plain white with a few grey hairs every now and then. She has three large ruusset patches, one on her back, near her tail, one on the left side of her body on her back and side, the third is on her upper chest and stretches around to the top of her neck, reaching around the right side of her neck. She has two gray spots as well, one overlapping the base one on her tail, the other on her head. She has brown tabby markings over-lacing the patches, as though she is an average tabby cat. She is relatively thick furred, with medium length and well-groomed fur. She has green eyes that are slightly faded and lean more towards grey than emerald. 


Foxpaw is sassy and overconfident, trusting herself to be able to do things physically that many others can not do.

She's very hard on herself and, though she wouldn't admit it, she enjoys guilt-tripping others about their workload. She's incredibly snarky and cats have to earn her respect before she's willing to do anything for them. But when Foxpaw decides that you are worth her respect, it's a package deal. You get undying loyalty, trust, and an annoying apprentice who will do whatever you say as long, whether it be good or bad. 

Foxpaw is the definition of morally grey. She doesn't know when to stop, verbally or physically. She's a bit of a loner and anyone she knows is most likely a bad cat that stood out enough for her to notice. She has never learned what good or evil really is, and won't unless someone decides that she needs to learn. Foxpaw's emotions can take control of her, making her do things that she should regret later, but never does. She justifies everything with the opinion that it's for the best of the clan, though she isn't quite certain what that means anymore. She wears armor of annoyance and anger that hides the shattered child she is inside. Should anyone take the time to meet her, instead of just judging from a few feet away, they would find that this gal needs a friend. Foxpaw needs someone to crack open her shell and help heal her core wound. 



Date of Creation:

May 21, 2022

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